Competition Try Outs ALL DISTRICTS - 9/29/2024 - grades K thru 8th - All genders and skill levels

Try Outs scheduled for 9/29/2024 

Time Check-in: 9:15am Start: 9:30am - 11:30am

Location: Empire Athletics (12817 NE Airport Way, Portland, OR 97230)

Open to grades Kinder thru 8th - All genders and skill levels

We are NOT looking for perfection - we are looking for passion, willingness to try, adaptability and commitment to the team.

Please show up in practice gear, cheer shoes, hair pulled up in ponytail, no jewelry and sports length nails

Bring labeled water bottle 

We evaluate (we will go over):





Please fill out our try out form:

During try outs there will be a parent meeting where program director will go over the season and expectations as well as answer an questions.

If you have no waiver with Empire please fill out: