- Can the cheer cost be paid for in full? Yes. The monthly payment plan is optional. If paying in full it can be done at registration. The $50 registration fee is due in order to start a payment plan though.
- Is there a late fee if payment is not made on time? Yes, $25 will be assessed after 3 days and then $5 a day until the payment is made in full.
- Do you have to have experience to be a part of GYC/ESYC? We do not require experience to be a part of the team. Depending on the number of athletes we may break down into teams based on age and skill.
- Do you cut at try-outs/registration? Our teams are no cut, but we may break down teams based on age and skill depending on the number of athletes we have when season starts.
- Do you allow athletes to participate in other activities or other teams? We allow, and encourage, athletes to be active members in their school and community. This could include choirs, sideline cheer, school plays, etc. BUT competition cheer has to come first. Members cannot miss any practices, events or competitions for any other activity during the season. Participation on other teams, such as an all-star or sideline team, may be very hard to juggle time-wise and GYC/ESYC must be a priority.
- How important is it that my child be at every practice? Regardless of age, EVERY practice is important. We understand that illness and family emergencies happen, but we need every team member at every practice in order to be productive. Each team only practices 1-2 times a week and it's essential that we use every minute available with the entire team. If one member is missing, it affects a whole stunt group. Please do your best to plan accordingly, especially since the practice schedule is available on our parent app and website.
- Are your calendars set in stone? Practice schedules are always set in stone due to reserving space with our facility. Competition schedules are tentative as they may be changed by the school hosting. We do our best to keep you informed of any changes immediately since your time is as precious as ours! Please note that the competition schedule does not come out until the summer and coaches will pick the best competitions for the team(s) we have. Once we have a specific schedule, we will update the calendar. Competitions are generally on Saturdays.
- Are all competitions required? Yes. Cheerleading is a team sport and every member is needed in order for us to perform at our maximum ability level. Just like practice, if your cheerleader misses an event, it affects the entire team. Please make sure that you do not miss any events unless there is extreme illness involved.
- Can we attend different tumbling classes? We offer once a week tumbling classes starting in July in August. If you would to take ADDITIONAL tumbling classes, we work with Empire Athletics for your cheerleader to attend there with a possible discount.
- Do athletes keep their uniforms? Yes, the uniforms are purchased by families for the specific athlete along with their shoes separately with Trend Letters from registration and monthly dues with GYC/ESYC
- Is tumbling cost included? Yes, once a week with their team exclusively.
- Concerned about paying for registration fees? We do everything possible to work with families and offer limited scholarships for GYC registration fees.
- Also the following links provide 3rd party options for sports grant applications. Any grant money received must be submitted to GYC by registration deadline - if set up on monthly payments those payments will go as scheduled. NOTE: GYC does not endorse any of the above 3rd party companies.